
Should I Contribute to a Roth 401(k) or a Traditional 401(k)?

Should I Contribute to a Roth 401(k) or a Traditional 401(k)?

If your company provides both a Roth 401(k) and a Traditional 401 (k) option to you at work, which one should you contribute to? I know most of you would prefer a clear-cut, definitive answer, but unfortunately it’s not quite that easy or straightforward. Rather, the right choice can vary greatly from person to person and depends heavily on the particulars of your personal financial situation….

The CoronaVirus and the Stock Market

The CoronaVirus and the Stock Market

Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen the Coronavirus cause major disruptions to our way of life here in America and around the world.

In the sporting world, the NBA and NHL have suspended their seasons, the NCAA has cancelled its basketball tournament and has indefinitely suspended or cancelled all other spring sports, Major League Baseball has postponed the start of Spring Training, and the PGA cancelled the Players championship and has announced an indefinite postponement of the Masters.

Cities across the country are cancelling schools, limiting the number of people that are allowed to congregate in one place, and are encouraging employees to work remotely from home if at all possible…

What is a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA?

What is a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA?

A Mega Backdoor Roth IRA strategy could be a great option for individuals who have maxed out all of their other tax-advantaged accounts, but still want to save more money for retirement in a tax-preferred manner. For those that are eligible (more on this in a bit), the Mega Backdoor Roth IRA strategy could allow you to contribute up to $37,000 to your Roth IRA per year, with no income limitations. If your spouse is also eligible to contribute to a Mega Backdoor Roth IRA, then the strategy would allow you to contribute up to $74,000 cumulatively as a couple to your Roth IRAs per year!

8 Year-End Tax-Saving Tips

8 Year-End Tax-Saving Tips

December is here, which means that we are nearing the end of yet another tax year. This may be causing some of you to have visions of looming tax-bills instead of sugar plums dancing through your head. Fear not! Here are 8 tax-saving tips that you can do between now and the end of the year to possibly reduce your tax obligations for the year.